There are days when I cannot leave my bed
This malady ties me here, keeps me prisoner,
There are days when I struggle to breathe
I hold up my mirror of despair and nod at our enduring relationship
And I listen to sad songs to remind myself that I am still alive
Days when blue skies are gone and the stars, they do not shine as bright
And like a dog that knows its way home, I retreat to the shadows
I grieve
There are days when I feel strong and I know that I can finally move forward
There are days when my mind is at ease
Days when I am okay
And i know that i can beat this, even though it weighs heavy at times
It is getting better every day
One day at a time, they say
One symptom at a time, and someday
I will stand in the sun and feel its warmth on my face
I will breathe easy and things will be okay
Some day 😊